Black Rogues Series (novels)

Historical Rogues of African Descent / African Diaspora

Historical novels, set in varying times, lands, and seas with Black Leads / African Leads, whether of pure African descent or various "mixed race".

Oh, and these are the rascals, who will not be told what to do: rogue pirates and their lady pirates, noble courtly highwaymen, clever ennobled royal mistresses born to the merchant class, ancient warrior conquerors soaked in blood, and the ancient psychic sorceress amazons they love, and more.

_Neale Sourna

Becca DuMaurier

Full Novel / Books 1 & 2
(A Black Rogues Novel)
Publishing 2024 

       It's 1688 AD, in the midst of the Glorious Revolution, a British civil war between Protestants and Catholics which has international players interested from France, Ireland, Spain, and the Netherlands, while the English king is absent from his throne, a huge invading force of sails and swords fills the Channel.

         However, royal favorite of Charles II's Restoration reign, the brown-skinned British courtier Lady Rebecca, has more personal cares; on the run from a forced marriage to a famous white-haired earl and general, she’s running homeward to the very edge of England, to her stormy Atlantic-tossed Cornwall, to seek peace; but it's where pirates are stalking the tiny coves, villages, and homes of homeland's shores.

        And where Cornwall's rocky, treacherous coast is but a stepping stone for lively Becca, her ever persistent soldier fiancé, and an intriguing Irish Catholic pirate of many faces.

Historical Romantic Adventure Fiction

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